
Last modified by Helmut Nagy on 2011/10/17 07:31


Internetdependenz mit Spielsucht vergleichbar d.h. für klinische Klassifikation werden Kriterien des DSM IV (DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) verwendet:

  1. feel preoccupied with the internet (think about while offline);
  2. feel a need to use the internet with increasing amounts of time in order to achieve satisfaction;
  3. have an inability to control your internet use;
  4. feel restless or irritabel when attempting to cut down or stop internet use;
  5. use the internet as a way of escaping problems or of reveiling a poor mood (feeling of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or depression);
  6. lie to family members or friends do conceal the extent of involvement with the internet;
  7. jeopardize or risk the loss of a significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the internet;
  8. keep returning even after spending an excessive amount of money on on-line fees;
  9. go through withdrawal when offline (increased depression, anxiety)
  10. stay on-line longer than originally intended